December 29, 2002
Farewell, Legendary 12

Dear friends and associates

Today I accessed the main page of the website. I see with great sadness that Legendary 12 is no more. All good things must have their time in this world, and with the joy of creation must come the sadness of destruction and decay. And it would seem sadly that for our guild this time has come.

My thanks to all of you for the times we have had together. We have had some truly fun and unique times. I am not sure how long the web site at will stay up. If you ever want to take a look back at our impressive history and accomplishments, and maybe remember what all of the noise was about, please visit the "staging area" where we built the news site every day or so back when I was flogging it.

just visit

Again to each of you who I have traveled with, I thank you. It has been a wonderful and unique experience.

Many happy adventures to all of you. May you all find happiness.

Legendary 12
[aka L12News]

Posted by L12News at 05:12 PM
Legendary Twelve Disbands

Legendary Twelve will begin disbanding today and finish disbanding on January 31st, 2003. There is no one reason the guild is disbanding. It is just time for us all to move on, as many have noted.

I am strongly suggesting that those with discipline, and maturity fill out an application for Science of War. They are a very respectable and structured guild. They are better prepared for whatever the future may hold than many guilds.

I will maintain Legendary Twelve for a while until we can get most people placed in another guild. During that time, the guild will be solely dedicated to gaining EXP, AA, and Flags. There will be no raids. (okay maybe some SMALL raids, but you get the idea). Eventually, I will be placing an application for Science of War, myself. This is how strongly I believe in that guild. However, my application will wait until I have placed most of our folks in new guilds of their own.

Please contact me if you have questions about Legendary Twelve disbanding. My contact information is posted in the members area of the boards.

I hope everyone has a safe and happy New Year. I will be back in game on January 3rd, to answer any in-game questions then.

Your guild leader,


Posted by L12News at 03:22 PM