November 18, 2002
Legendary 12 Clears Kael

Reports of Vindicator's Head Being Used For Bowling Practice

While the Saturday crash played havoc with our adventures in Sleeper's Tomb, it did mean that many powerful and interesting creatures were running free, waiting to meet with a dreadful and unfortunate accident. We in Legendary 12 specialize in such accidents, and what better place to play than Kael?


First up, we had a line on King Tormax. Nobody likes a pushy king, and when Evlowchim went to pay his respects, the king had him put to the sword. While some may cheer such a move, the Legendary 12 was quick to repay this offense with a swift beheading. As the big golden goof toppled, we heard some shouts about the Temple of Rallos Zek being off limits to being defiled. Guild BattleKitty Frubblestump was keen to show that he was up to the task for defiling any temple. Who could resist.

Our old pal Vindicator was not much more than a morsel for our bloodthirsty crew. Thug took his head and used to for bowling practice, reducing the guards of the Kael arena to little more than armor clad pins for his amusement.

As our luck would have it, the Statue of Rallos Zek took exception to Frubblestump's repeated defiling, and demanded a fight to prove that he was really incredibly tough after all. It should come as no surprise that when the statue fell, it was a veritable festival of desecration.


Toying with the sacred temple of the god of war is no light matter, at least not for him. Displeased that his statue had been awoken and then used as a cat box, he roused the Idol to slay us and prove once and for all his might.

We had not yet faced the Idol in combat, and we were eager to try. While he was an interesting fight, he proved no match for us. We tore his limbs from his carcass and used them to drive spikes into the icy walls of the Kael arena.


Like some petulant parent, the Avatar of War himself had to come down and put a stop to this nonsense. We had faced him in the test, and we were keen to see if we could best him on his home ground.

The fight was a work of perfection, with tremendous teamwork from all, and several clean tank switches. In the end we ran out of mana for heals, and with just a third of his life remaining, we were defeated. Rumor has it that Frubblestump's body was later found in the Kael Sewers, final payback had been rendered.

Posted by L12News at 07:46 PM
Sleepers Tomb "Deep Trip"


The Legendary 12 has steadily been growing the number of members holding keys to Sleeper's Tomb. It is rare when a Saturday dawned when there was no day long Tunare death march, and the team with keys could try to go deep into Sleepers tomb. Our goal was to kill a warder.

Many of us had not been past the Library in this zone, few of us knew what to expect. We made steady progress through the chambers of the tomb, into the libarary and down the spiral ramps. We encountered many vile constructs and corrupted spawn on dragon kind, animals bent and twisted by the prismatic power that lurks in the tunnels.

We were nearing the end of our descent, when that rickety bucket of bolts that passes for the server threw a cog, and we were all booted into chat. Eventually Vedan assisted in re-assembling our band, but momentum had been lost.


We battled lower, through the trap door to face a blue drake, his death spawned another, whose death spawned another. Not having prepared for this length of battle, our group was defeated close to our ultimate goal. Happy that we had seen new areas, we summoned our bodies to the zone line and left the zone wiser, and ready for our next encounter.

Posted by L12News at 07:31 PM