November 07, 2002
Legendary 12 to Test For Tier 6


Snaggle, noble leader of Legendary 12 was troubled. His band of adventurers had grown and prospered into an epic fighting force. The road had been rocky at times, but the path steadily upwards. He sat in counsel with his closest advisors, munching on a gnome-pop.

Arguments about the battle readiness of his forces raged back and forth; should we? could we? “Do you know how much damage that thing can do?” “It dropped us like a flaming sack of dog poo when we tried it after Tier 5 test”.

Snaggle knew that it was his alone to decide, he pushed away his heavy chair and silenced the council.

“We will test” he said in his low rumbling voice. “Though it may take several times to defeat him, we will best the Avitar of War in the arena”. “The sands will run red with blood, but we will not stop until he has fallen to our might”.

A hushed determination fell over the council, and they left to make ready for battle.

Please be at the Arena at 5:30 PM Eastern / 2:30 PM Pacific on Sunday November 10th to face the Avatar of War. Come early, get buffed and bring lots of bandaids

Posted by L12News at 07:33 AM
Royal Double Header

Fortune smiled upon us Tuesday when by some misfortune our beloved Stormhammer crashed in the wee hours. While that means headaches for SOE’s support staff, it translated into a smorgasbord of delightful targets for us.

Gangrene lead the early crew through a series of warm ups featuring Rumblecrush, that chump the Vindicator and The Statue of Rallos Zek. Word has reached us that the Statue pull ran into some trouble, and that rather than getting him solo, he arrived with some rather ugly friends. In a display of courage and coordination we dispatched the Statue’s companions and then the Statue himself in one frantic melee. When the dust had settled we were proud that few had fallen.


Then it was on to our main events. First target was that decrepit king of the Coldain, Dain Frostreaver IV. We are no strangers to Icewell Keep, and we were quickly able to make our way down into the caves. Once settled in we grabbed a piece of the wall and waited while our monks did their work. Though it took a great deal of time (this has to be the most annoying pull of the game) we were able finally to get him into the cave, and we dispatched him after a long and bloody battle with Isaiah dispatching him to an icy grave with a final blast of wizardry. He seemed somewhat tougher this time, and report indicate that he was hitting very hard indeed with his hackle hammer.

With the Dain defeated, it was time to visit our brand of justice to the king of the Kael Drakkel, that despot Tormax. Rumor had come to us that he had just arisen and we made our way to Kael. His guards and the citizens of Kael had little interest in allowing us to kill the king, and they put up stiff opposition. Our pull team suffered many fatalities to clear to him, and then to bring him to our waiting army.


The battle raged for many minutes, with fierce bolts of magic and the clashing of blades and hammers against his golden armor. But he was no match for our forces, his armor was breached and the alluring Kilari provided the finishing blow. We rejoiced in our victory, no monarch is safe in the world of Norrath when Legendary 12 is on the prowl!

Well done all!

Dain's Head - Evlowchim
Tri-plated Golden Hackle Hammer - Coulette
Aegis of Ice - Lexy
Breastplate of Vindication - Ignacius
Cloak of the Falling Stars - Gangrene
Cloak of the Falling Stars - Thaeden
Iron Scroll of War - Isaiah
Reaver - Donbe
Axe of the Kromzek Kings - Torain
Axe of the Kromzek Kings - Zynth
Tormax's Head - Edaru
White Dragon Scale Sash - Huggabug
Crown of the Kromzek Kings - Ignacius
Bow of the Huntsman - Torain
Hsagra’s Talisman - Balinki

Posted by L12News at 07:22 AM
November 04, 2002
Zlandicar Defeated by Pumpkins!


In a move that will live for years in Norrath's annals of the weird, the army of Legendary 12, in full Jack-o-lantern regalia, stormed Dragon Necropolis.

With trick or treat on their minds, we had heard that Zlandicar was passing out sweets to passers by (no, we did not belive it either), so we went to check it out.

Our scouts reported that his candy bowl was empty, and that he had taken to eating children by the time we arrived, so we killed him and left a flaming sack of froglok poo on his doorstep, as a warning to other grumpy old farts that Legendary 12 stands by the Halloween traditions, and cannibalism is not one of them!

Posted by L12News at 07:29 PM
This Week's Schedule

I have updated this week's targets. We will not be able to predict the exact day things will spawn, so we will have to remain flexible. Please remember that for the next two weeks, we will be doing HoT at least twice per week (pending named drakes being up).

I also wanted to announce our new guild mascot. He is a Golden Retriever puppy appropriately named Snaggle. You can visit his webpage at

Posted by L12News at 10:56 AM