October 30, 2002
Early Morning Snake Hunt

With tier restrictions removed, Sunday was a day of plenty for Legendary 12. As dawn broke our scouts covered the far corners of the land, searching for the most plump, tasty monsters to feel our wrath.

One of our old friends, Rhag`Zhezum had spawned and was shouting belligerent curses to all who would pass. The guild was still shy the Remove Greater Curse spell, necessary for our battles with the Though Horror Overfiend and the big robe Itraer Vius, so the arrival of “Rhag 1” was greeted with enthusiasm, and the whole guild merrily trundled off The Grey to set up.

He was defeated easily, and to our joy he had the spell we had sought. After his death the guild battled our way up to Rhag Mordeth’s lair, only to find him truant. We departed with a resolution to kill him twice next time to make up for it.

Well done!

Posted by L12News at 09:52 AM
Tunare Sent Packing

Legendary 12 Attack Tunare

While some would question how wise it would be to take on the power of nature, the Legendary 12 feel that if nothing is ventured, nothing will be gained. With the sun shining and the whole day ahead of us, we traveled to the Plane of Growth to rid it of the mutant creatures, and dispatch Tunare.

Like all of our previous adventures to this plane, it was overrun with wildlife that had to be butchered before the main event. With the help of members of other guilds we were able to complete the job in a reasonable amount of time.

For the main event itself, we once again proved that a diet rich in gnomes helps make our tanks the fattest, and the wall of flesh did its work the contain the battle and keep her anger focused. We rejoiced when she fell, and divided her godly loot among the members.

Congratulations to all!

Posted by L12News at 09:43 AM