October 26, 2002
Legendary 12 Explores the Plain of Nightmares


What better vacation spot after a quick Klandicar battle than the ever lovely Plane of Nightmares? With the recent release of the Planes of Powers expansion, many members of Legendary 12 have been itching to take a closer look.

Tonight 3 groups of our members made our way to the hedges to speak to an Erudite about his nightmares. It seems some scholarly type in the Plane of Tranquility was having a dreadful time, and the Legndary 12 is always ready to lend a hand.


Sadly for us he was not in a talkative mood. We had no intention of wasting our trip, so we spent our time getting to know the playful natives of this gloomy land.


As you can see from this picture, they were a spritely and mercurial bunch, and they were all to happy to come out and play. In spite of the fact they tended to try to eat us, we soon became fast friends.


One thing you can count on, this will be the first of many such trips to the planes, I am sure soon the gods themselves will learn to give us a wide berth!

Posted by L12News at 06:11 PM
Legendary 12 Shows Klandicar No Mercy


Word had traveled to Legendary 12 that Klandicar had woken from his slumber and was out sunning himself on his favorite rock in Western Wastes.

While the sight of a majestic beast in his domain is breathtaking, it did not distract us from the task at hand. We sounded the rally cry, and the new, larger Legendary 12 fighting force moved to the entrance to Dragon Necropolis to prepare.

Things went smoothly, and we zoned out to face the beast. Sadly some feral feline instinct overtook dear Frubblestump, who was mesmerized by Klandicar's long swaying tail. He threw common sense to the winds and pounced at it, disrupting our battle plans (we can forgive him, it is a cat!)

We resurrected our dead and re-buffed. This time we were ready, and with Frubblestump blindfolded Saladen called the charge. He died a quick and merciful death, and we gladly divided up his treasure.

Well Done All!

Posted by L12News at 05:59 PM
October 23, 2002
Vindicator Rematch

The Vindicator fell to the skilled hands of the Legendary Twelve Tuesday night. After another surprise server reset the rush was on to claim what spawns were up. Our initial target, King Tormax was saved from destruction when the zone crashed just as we began to prepare. With a violent force there and eager for blood, we turned our attention to the Vindicator

Thanks to some excellent pulling and coordination, forces of L12 quickly stormed the heart Kael Drakel and tore a path to the arena. Many greater and lesser members of the Kromrif and Kromzek were dispatched, with a few of them having armor components for Coldain quests.

The guild assembled in their normal area to await the Vindicator. The fight was a bit more rough than normal, as we are still adjusting to our new larger size. In the end he was no match for our forces, and once again we prove that the Vindicator does not know when to hide.

Congratulations to Avelyn on his new Breastplate of Vindication, and all of Legendary 12 for a successful raid.

Posted by L12News at 07:49 AM
October 22, 2002
King Tormax Dethroned


Some would say that after all we had done, why try for more? We would say, with a large and bloodthirsty fighting force, how do you get them to stop?

Word had come to us from Frubblestump that Tormax has at long last roused his lazy bones from his royal bed. What better way to welcome the day than with a Legendary 12 brute squad knocking at your door?

Before old Tormax had settled down for his coffee and toast, we had picked off his guards and drawn him to the zone line. Even with half of our combat team already logged off and in bed, he proved no match for us.

Ring of Lightning - Uban
King Tormax’s Head - Pyrafyre
Boots of the Storm - Frubblestump
Crown of the Kromrif Kings - Kristofos
Hsagra’s Talisman - Velior

Posted by L12News at 06:52 PM
Zlandicar the Cannibal Crushed


When you are on a roll, why stop? Certainly Legendary 12 does not know when to quit. With Dozekar slain, we headed to Dragon Necropolis. The Pabela spies had reported that Zlandicar had stired from is rather gassy slumber and was counting his treasure. As you can imagine this captured our attention!

It was only a hop, skip and a jump across Western Wastes, and we were inside of Dragon Necropolis. Our teams assembled and marched down towards his lair.

The residents of the necropolis tried in vain to hinder our progress, and we dispensed our swift justice to them. With little trouble we slipped behind the waterfall and prepared for battle.

Combat itself was quick (it has to be when Zlandicar is trying to rot the flesh from your bones) and our new more powerful team made quick work of him.

Another dragon slain! Well done!

Cracked Claw of Zlandicar- Zynth,
Frakadar's Talisman- Rafinne
Zlandicar’s Heart- Stanex,
Gauntlets of Mortaltiy - Cacrharoth
Zlandicar’s Talisman - Sorrowed

Posted by L12News at 06:48 PM
Dozekar the Cursed Conquered


The blessings of a target rich environment are many. Even before the Vindcator was looted, Snaggle had dispatched his scouts to the far corners of Norrath. We were eager to test our new larger force, and the Vindicator had proved a disappointing foe. As word from the field trickled in, we learned our old foe Dozekar the Cursed was once again harassing the good dragons of the Temple of Veeshan.

Even though the past few months we have been at odds with these scale heads, Snaggle decided it was not too early to start making amends. He ordered the army of Legendary 12 to the Temple to take out the menace.

With our new friends formerly of Ascending to help us, we cleared the entry to the Halls of Testing. The early fight went well until an unfortunate accident where one of the wyverns got out of hand and brought many friends to lunch.


Soon enough we faced our real foe, old stinky Dozekar. This fight was a bit more rough, as coordination is the key, and we were still learning new ways to work as a team. But the outcome was never in doubt, and Dozekar's misshaped head was placed on a pike as a trophy.

Well done!

Posted by L12News at 06:35 PM
Legendary 12 Raids Kael


We welcomed Monday night and embraced a fresh set of spawns. The network gods had reset our little world that night to make way for the Planes of Power, and we were gifted with a wondrous set of monsters to pursue.

Our natural first stop was our old playground Kael Drakkel, where we hoped to give the "Talls" our best. While we found that knot-head the Vindicator stomping about, his boss King Tormax and that Statue of Rallos Zek had the good sense to stay out of sight.

The Vindicator made a nice practice run for our new combined forces, and the pulls went well. When the Vindicator arrived, he found we were much more violent than before, and even I was surprised at how quickly we dispatched him to an icy tomb.

Congratulations All!

Posted by L12News at 06:24 PM
Legendary 12 Changes Message Boards

The Legendary 12 have recently migrated their message boards from the tried and true ezboards to a new message system hosted on their home server.

All members should check out the new boards Here

Posted by L12News at 06:16 PM
October 21, 2002
From the desk of Snaggle:

I want to take a few moments and explain to everyone what our current agenda is, and what our plans for the next couple months are.

First, we have absorbed a large number of members from the guild Ascending, which recently disbanded. I reviewed their roster and sent their guild leader, Harmonious, a list of their members to which I wanted to extend an invitation to join our ranks. The list specifically included classes that we needed and also included members I felt shared our goals and disposition. Ascending members that were not on the list can still apply to Legendary Twelve by posting on our message board under the applications section. I would like to encourage everyone to make our new members welcome. Their addition comes at a crucial time, just prior to the expansion. One final note, they are almost all on CoV (Claws of Veeshan) faction. I have asked them to remain so.

Next, I want to encourage everyone to work on CoV faction. As you know, our plan is to swap over to CoV faction on Nov 1st. We will remain on CoV faction for a minimum of two weeks. Furthermore, I will request that at least 24 players retain this faction beyond November 14th. I will identify these players, or you are welcome to approach me if you are interested in being a part of this group. This group will be primarily responsible for making our insertions into HoT (Halls of Testing) as fast and efficient as possible. In return for their dedication to maintaining CoV faction, they will receive a merit-based award at the beginning of next year, and again every three months following that.

I have spoken with Felong and the other officers to gather their views on how our schedule should proceed through the end of the year. We will be reserving two days each week to dedicate entirely to Character Development. With the new "/army" command coming into effect, we will be able to schedule many more exp-raids for the guild. We will be completing a great deal of HoT quests during the month of November. I want the vast majority of these quests behind us as we move toward the New Year.

Epic quests will be put on the back burner until we identify whether or not you need your 1st epic to obtain your PoP (Planes of Power) epic weapon. Epic quests will remain in a holding pattern until Dec. 1st, at which point we will have a system for obtaining epics by spending DKP. I anticipate a high demand for "new" epic raids from Dec ? Feb of next year. With Fazzadien "out to sea", I will be working with our new officer, Kalorad, to come up with a method of spending DKP for epics. I will also be asking Harmonious to handle the record keeping and web-reporting aspects of this endeavor.

With the release of PoP, our priorities are as follows:
1) Level everyone to 65 as fast as possible. This will be accomplished
through individual CD and exp raids. (Goal: December 31st)
2) Gather information on the new planes and develop a planar raid
schedule that maximizes the LPH (Loot-per-hour) obtained for the guild.
(Goal: Nov. 1st)
3) Obtain Tier 6. Goal (Nov. 15th).
4) Complete the Dozekar and HoT quests pending for guild members. (Goal:
Dec: 15th)
5) Gather information on new epics and form a plan for spending DKP to
help obtain them. (Goal: Dec 1st).

If you have any questions about our goals or our future, you can contact me at snaggle@thetwelve.org. The next few months are going to be a very exciting time for us. I encourage everyone to keep a level head, not get over-excited, and focus on enjoying the game as much as possible.

Posted by L12News at 08:57 AM