October 04, 2002
Bard Epic Completed

Ho hum, what to do when your tier monsters are all hiding because they have heard you are coming to get them. Simple, pick on something stupid!

Today it was the undead bard, who did not have the common sense to stay dead. Our good friend and guild Bard Mysphit needed to have a bit of a talk with this irksome pile of bones to complete his epic. Naturally we were ready and eager to assist.

We all traveled through the picturesque swamps and jungles, to the home of the playful frogloks (Sebilis). While we helped them jump higher and faster, all the while we were moving closer to Trakanon's lair.

The lair itself was largely empty, save a big angry ball of mud and some froggie that tried to cast spells on us. Sadly they could not stay to watch the fight. The Undead Bard himself was a rather shoddy pile of bones, without the usual festive bright colors one associates with minstrels. The Legendary 12 are keen advocates of quality control, so we all enthusiastically mowed him down.

Lo and behold, as he fell our old friend Trakanon arrived! No matter, he is rather unkempt as well and was dispatched with ease.

Congratulations to Mysphit, and all of Legendary 12!

Posted by L12News at 06:34 AM
October 01, 2002
Aaryonar The Plague

Last night was another open night on Stormhammer. The forces of our sister guilds had done a fine job of mowing down most of the prize monsters in the world, and the guild leaders pondered where to send us.

Our old nemesis Aaryonar was alive at the start of the north end of the Temple of Veeshan. We had a long history with this vast and foul tempered spawn, and we owed him a violent death. After some discussion the target was called; Aaryonar would die tonight.

We used Call of the Hero to get the non enemies to the hallway in front of Aary. This band took out the hatchlings that were roaming the area and cleared the way for the call chain to begin. We summoned the rest of our forces very quickly, and we had the army in place in good time. We grouped up and cleared the drakes, then the hatchlings.

Our fine pull team showed their typical dedication to excellence, and the foul beast came with but a single guard. With Avelyn tanking the big beast, the rest of us set upon the guard and sent him back to Mother Veeshan. He had a shadowfang necklace that unfortunately rotted.

We turned our focus to Aaryonar and put everything we had against him. His area attack debuff turning our fighting force into weaklings against him. Our first effort ended in failure as the returning hatchlings spawned hungry and ate our clerics.

Recovery took some time, as we struggled to get a force in that could take out the hatchlings to pave the way for the rest to returm. The hour was late, and by the time we began our second attempt we were down to 41 people. The guild officers suggested a new tactic to control the respawn of the hatchlings, and tasked a small team to help keep them clear.

Again the long battle, and everyone was in top form. His area debuff frustrating our fighters, as nothing upsets us more than staring at a beast with more hit points than a small planet and hitting for 1 three times in a row. This time we got him to 7% before we lost it.

While we were not able to best him this time, rest assured we will be back.

Posted by L12News at 11:05 PM
Temple of Veeshan Back To Back Takedowns

On days that are “free for all” its always a mad dash to get the guild in place and attack. With many excellent guilds on this server, free days with a wide variety of spawns adds an interesting element of competition to the game.

Tonight we targeted the West end of the Temple of Veeshan. Lendiniara the Keeper was up, and we were eager to take her talisman for a key to Sleepers Tomb. Tonight’s raid was a model for West Wing raids. Our team had selected an ideal spot and was quickly using Call of the Hero to move the army of Legendary 12 into place.

Or first target was Lendiniara the Keeper. In spite of a single false start, we quickly and easily dispatched the temple guardians and defenders (some times two at a time). With the path cleared we set up for our first showdown. Lendiniara is a tough battle, and the fight raged for many minutes. In the end she was dispatched with minimal casualties, and a great cheer echoed through the west side of the temple. As might be expected with a powerful wurm, she held a great deal of treasure that our members happily accepted.

Lendiniara the Keeper Defeated

From there it was on to face down Telkorenar the red menace. Again the skill of our airlift crew was evident as well transported to the staging area and began to prepare once more for battle. With our tanks in place we sounded the charge and the fight was on. Our team was in top form, and we executed a flawless takedown of Telkorenar, who bestowed upon us items from his stash.

Telkorenar in Battle with Legendary 12

All in all a fantastic hunt! Well done and congratulations to all!

Ancient Silk Pantaloons - Evlowchim
Ancient Plate Guantlets - Slob
Ancient Leather Boots - Zeeve
Ancient Leather Gloves - Zeeve
Ancient Leather Gloves - Semuvan
Ancient Plate Helm Tidan - Tidan
Ancient Silk Golves - Evlowchim
Ancient Tarnished Plate Boots - Zynth
Ancient Leather Boots - Frubblestump
Mask of Superiority - Phoebeus
Gloves of Stability - McKey
Breastplate of Superiority - Kanine
Necklace of Nightstalking - Vexx
Transparent Eyepatch - Avid

Posted by L12News at 11:49 AM
September 29, 2002
Dozekar the Third


Dozekar had returned. You would thing after the first two times this week he would have learned. We were in the neighborhood paying our meal time visit to Klandicar, so why not swing by and give our best to his mutant cousin Dozekar the Cursed. With the assistance of some members of Blessed (and friends) already in the Halls of testing, we were able to get our fighting army in place quickly. With Frubblestump starting the tanking rotation, we let him have our best. We dispatched him without too much trouble, and he rewarded our efforts with 3 tiers from his stash.

Congratulations and well done to all the members!

Ruby Tear - Denth
White Tear - Tallyn
Poison Tear - Saladen

Posted by L12News at 09:34 PM
Klandicar Clam Bake


All of that fighting can make folks hungry. Ragefire is a stringy old dragon, and there was not much for us to eat. With the hunger clouding our senses, we heard that our favorite main course was looking for garnish out in Western Wastes. Our scouts quickly confirmed that he was indeed up and wandering about, guarding his favorite rock in Western Wastes.

Our forces assmebled in Dragon Necropolis, we grouped, buffed and lit the grills. In a neary textbook takedown, we quickly swarmed Klandicar. He feel in record time to our improved damage (how about those primal weapons!) as Sijandi got the kill shot. All that was left was to grill him up and serve him on cajun rice. As we were enjoying our repast, word came that Dozekar had once again spawned... could this be? Again?....

Klandicar's Talisman - Huggabug
Heavy Dragonspine Vambraces - Tallyn
Worked Dragonhide Gauntlets - Bartrose

Isaiah tells the guild, ive killed Zlandicar about 30 plus times, and that had to be almsot the best kill on him ive ever seen. NOT JOKING . Well done..

Posted by L12News at 09:25 PM
Ragefire Dispatched


Sunday is Epic Day with the Legendary 12. After a bit of a slow start, we were able to finally get some epic action underway! It all started when recent guild member and bearded hard drinking cleric Shakeyhealer obtained his forth pearl shard from the dragonkin in Skyfire. Word went out the the members that we were about to fight Ragefire and we rushed to Skyfire to prepare for battle.

The big red menace had no chance, and with the forces assembled we easily defeated him. With his final piece in place, Shakeyhealer was able to complete his epic. He also had 3 Ro armor items that were distributed to the members. Congratulations and well done all!


Blazing Bracer of Fennin Ro - Huggabug
Blazing Bracer of Fennin Ro - Thorak
Blazing Boots of Fennin Ro - Rot?

Posted by L12News at 09:10 PM
Dozekar Reprise


Like that cursed energizer bunny, that wacky mutant dragon keeps coming back. When blessed with such gifts, who are we to complain? When we heard he was stomping around the Temple of Veeshan once more, we rallied while some of our forces were still in Sleepers Tomb and descended on the Temple.

We cleared our way through the hub, and dropped the rather shoddy guards at the front of the Halls of Testing. Minutes later, with our forces from Sleepers joing us, we engaged him. A quick battle later he lay dead, and we were happy to recive his 4 tears for our brave members.


Well done!

Emerald Tear - Snaggle
Silver Tear - Quixon
Rune Tear - Lexy
Poision Tear - Tidan

Plate Bracer - Thug
Plate Boots - Fruggi
Chain Sleeves - Fruggi
Chain Sleeves - Sijandi
Chain BP - Aristiri
Chain Sleeves - Aristiri
Plate Helm - Mercum

Posted by L12News at 08:57 PM
Sleepers Tomb Part 2


With all of the server outages, Saturday was surprisingly devoid of targets. The guild leadership assembled the members who had keys and marched off to eastern wastes to face the Sleepers Tomb once more. Our forces took their time and pulled with care, and battled with all their heart. We slew many golems and the Master of the Guards himself. For all of our efforts we were rewarded with some fantastic treasures. One thing is clear, we will return to the Tomb with a larger and more violent force next time.


Ancient Prismatic Stiletto - Slowa
Ancient Prismatic Fist Wraps - Zzorn
Fist of Pummeling Prowess - Felong

Posted by L12News at 08:38 PM