September 28, 2002
Legendary 12 Return to Sleepers Tomb


Recently the forces of Legendary 12 (with some friends) paid another visit to the Sleepers Tomb. In the course of several pitched battles to tide of war turned many times. There were a few wipe outs, and in the end we decided to count our blessings and return this weekend. Several members looted items, they include

Ancient Prismatic Axe - Phoebeus
Quest Robe - Fazzadien
Quest Robe - Cinexa

Watch for more news from Sleeper's today

Posted by L12News at 01:20 PM
Mercum Completes Epic

In a fierce battle with Trakanon, we were able to obtain the final component for Mercum's epic blade. He is now happily spewing blue notes arcross Norrath! We would like to thank all of the guild who assisted with this effort, and congratulate Mercum for all of his hard work.


Posted by L12News at 01:12 PM
More Levels

The Legendary 12 would like to congratulate its members who have recently leveled. With our busy raiding schedule, it is sometimes difficult to find time to gain experience. We appreciate the extra effort it takes.

Ldaian - 60
Frubblestump - 60

Well done!

Posted by L12News at 01:10 PM
Severilous Returns

We were happily surprised to find that Severilous had returned to Emerald Jungle, and that we had a large and violent force ready to take him down. We once again assembled quickly near the Field of Bone and pulled. He fell quickly to our combined might, and we were rewarded with some coveted items, especially the elusive green dragon scale for Saladen!

Green Dragon Scale - Saladen
Shield of the Green Dragon - Scornful
Shield of the Green Dragon - Wooddy

Rumor has pictures of this are available, it will be posted when I have it!

Posted by L12News at 12:50 PM
September 27, 2002
Legendary 12 Defeats Dozekar

Server resets are a happy time, and Thrusday was no exception. While the children of Veeshan scuttled about her temple, the Legendary 12 was making plans to invade. After a minor false start, the assembled army fought their way into the temple, slaying many drakes and wurms along the way. Some of them were kind enough to bestow treasure on us as well.

With the preliminaries out of the way, we stood in the first pit of the halls of testing, and buffed for our fight with Dozekar. With Saladen calling the charge the fight was one. Combat lasted nearly 5 minutes, with excellent tanking and healing throughout. In the end we were victorious, and we happily divided his treasure.

Chain Bracer (x2) - Bubonik
Chain Gloves - Vexx
Plate Gloves - Tanu
Plate Legs - Ignacius
Plate Boots - Khazmadur
Serrated Tear - Tanu
Flame Kissed Tear - Edaru
Flame Kissed Tear - Quixon
Runed Tear - Ldaian

Posted by L12News at 03:43 PM
Severilous Rampage and Cook Out

It was a plesant evening in Norrath, many of our fine members were in Sleeper's Tomb frolicking with the locals, and many others were assisting in completion of a Coldain Ring War. As the evening started winding down, and we began to feel hungry, word came that Severilous (that rare all white meat dragon) as stomping around Emerald Jungle looking for trouble.

We quickly packed all of our best spices and side dishes and rushed off to Emerald Jungle to see what we could do. Sure enough, he was there, and the mana burn team had yet to arrive. We quickly assembled and pulled the tasty beast to our waiting smokers. Sadly, he did not have the valuable green dragon scale that Saladen needed for his epic. In consolation we at what was left of Severilous, and divided up his treasure. Next time, you had best bring two scales!

Shield of the Green Dragon - Reddie
Kavruul's Mystik Pouch - Tanixx
Torn Burnt Book - Bartrose
Dragon Hero Bracer - ?

Posted by L12News at 03:43 PM
Table for Dozekar Quest Items

Snaggle here,

I created a table that shows the HoT Dozekar and named drops and what quest items correspond to those drops. You can view the table here. It is very colorful :).

Posted by L12News at 10:50 AM
September 24, 2002
More Character Advancement

After our marathon session in Growth over the weekend, the guild has been enjoying and extended period of time devoted to character development. L12News is pleased to announce that several members have obtained new levels:

Zerapheus – 60
Tanu – 57
Mysphit – 60
Lexy – 60

Congratulations to these members and a thanks from Legendary 12 for all of your hard work and effort. Your new levels bring additional capabilities that will greatly enhance the guild.

Well Done All!

Posted by L12News at 12:21 PM