September 07, 2002
Ragefire Slain

Ragefire Attacks

As we spent another evening on watch, waiting for our tier mobs to spawn after yet another patch, many of us gathered in Skyfire.

Recently changes had been put in place that made the endless camping of Ragefire for the cleric epic no longer neccessary. Now what it took was a focused and extremely violent force to beat down the creatures of this land, until you could find 4 pearl fragments.

Killing in Skyfire

For 3 days we had been working to obtain the means to spawn Ragefire for our clerics waiting for him. Autumnrayne had already gathered 3 of the 4 fragments needed, and the last one was proving to be elusive.

After hours of non stop Wurm and Drake slaying, a shard was dropped. While the members of Legendary 12 quickly showed unrivaled focus in gathering in Skyfire, Autumnrayne and a small raiding party went to Nagafen's lair to obtian the final component.

Zordek Ragefire in Nagafen's Lair

With a minimum of fuss, and a few deaths (oops, sorry) we were back in Skyfire ready to spawn the big flame bag.

The fight was breif, but fun. And when it was over Autumnrayne had the final component for her epic mace.

Ragefire Dead

Congratulations to her on all the hard work, and thanks to the Legendary 12 for the dedication to help make this happen. He also dropped some other loot:

Blazing Boots of Fennin Ro - Avid
Blazing Boots of Fennin Ro - Pyrafyre
Treasure Hunter's Satchel - Katorin

Posted by L12News at 10:42 AM
L12 Member Wins Royal Rumble

Tonight we are happy to annonce that Brenlain (Zeeve) was the winner in tonights Royal Rumble event in the Arena.

When asked if there was anything special about the event, Brenlain replied "Yeah! Me winning!"

For his valor in the competition Brenlain was awarded this item:


All of Legendary 12 would like to extend a hearty congratulations, and well done!

Posted by L12News at 10:23 AM
More Memebers Level Up

Our strength continues to grow as more of our members gain new levels. With our active raid schedule, sometimes its hard to find the time to group for experience. These players put forth the extra effort and have achived new levels! We would like to extend our congratulations to

Zerapheus - 59
Zurie - 60

Thank you for all of the hard work and effort. Your dedication has payed off, and we are all much better for it!

Posted by L12News at 10:11 AM
September 04, 2002
When Choir Robes Attack

Still frustrated by the lack of targets, our agents and scouts covered every area of 2 known worlds and a couple of altered planes. No one would come out and play.

Then we heard the faint and welcome sound in the Umbral Plains. Those wacky Dark Masters had been sipping too much Umbral Ale and were calling for the big robe himself to come out and join. Shame on them, nobody throws a party like Legendary 12!

We quickly assembled in Umbral and helped the Dark Masters summon Doom. Once he was summoned, it was only fitting that we send him back to the cleaners!

Congratulations to our members who won new items from this pile of laundry with an attitude

Pebble Crusher - Faithof
Bracelet of Comprehension - Glasgow
Cursed Halo of Thought - Huggabug
Wand of Cursed Souls - Mysphit (?)

Posted by L12News at 10:57 PM
No Rest of the Vindicator

Up down / Up down. The servers played yo-yo with our raid list, so we had to take what we could find up. Fortunately for us, we found our old pal the Vindcator. Setting new standards (for us) in raid assembly and prep, we took down old D.Vindicator quickly and easily as taking out the trash.

Congratulations to Carcharoth on the new Chestplate of Vindication!

Posted by L12News at 10:49 PM
September 03, 2002
Chardok Looted - Royals Beheaded

Tonight the forces of the Legendary 12 attacked the citadel of Chardok in Burning Woods. Our goal was to ransack the palace, retrieve the valuable components for two members epics, and clear out as many of the horrible Di'Zok brood as we could along the way.


A larger force (reports as large as 30 or so members) assembled at the entrance, and we began to work our way down. At first our tactics revolved around deploying the massive firepower of our area effect magics. This resulted in some rather impressive pulls.

Upon entering the palace, we made quick work of the guards, the royal library and then focused on killing the dreaded Overking. In a pitched battle that saw the Overking arrive unexpectedly with a swarm of his guards, we fought bravely with heavly losses. In the end the Overking lay dead, and Avid was awarded the last piece for her cleric epic mace. Yay Avid!


Next we went deeper into the palace to face the Queen of Chardok. Legend has it that her magic is most powerful, and that any group without sufficent and extreme force to kill her quickly will perish. Our superior numbers allowed us to win the day (and the fact that we had routed all but the most dedicated of her retainers) and claim the blade that Phoebeus had waited to long to combine into his epic sword. Congratulations to Phoebeus!


A hearty thanks to all members who turned out in support of this effort. Well done all!

Posted by L12News at 11:55 PM
North ToV Join Raid a Success


Monday was a work holiday for many of our memebers. Our goal was to spend time developing our characters, and replacing experience lost in the weekend's heavy raiding.

Much to our surpise and delight, Township Rebellion invited us to join them in the Norht wing of the Temple of Veeshan. They were interested in getting in far enough to do the Ring of Vulak, and offered to take us along to learn some tips and techniques to safely navigate the zone.


The outing was quite an event (as you might imagine) with dozens of fierce battles. We faced a wide range of foul tempered beasts, including noteables such as Lord Vyemm, Eashen of the Sky and the ever soggy Lord Koi'Doken

Our hosts of Township were even kind enough to share some of the valuable loot from these dragons, and many our of our members recieve upgrades today. We would like to thank the kind folks of Township for their consideration in mentoring us on a North side walk through, and their generousity in sharing treasure with us.

Shadow Fang Necklace - Sijandi
Twisted Steel Bastard Sword - Saladen
Ancient Fire Etched Flamberge - Zerapheus
Helmet of the Crawler - Saladen
Nevederia's Claw - Thorak

Please note, there is probably more than this, but this is what I had written down - supply me with more and I will post it!

Posted by L12News at 11:32 PM
September 02, 2002
Legendary 12 Blitz

Today the Legendary 12 staged a virtual blitzkrieg of Norrath. In a few short hours we rolled between epic encounters and targets of oportunity to end up with one of the most varied days we have ever had. We faced a variety of creatures large and terrible, and for the most part crushed them.

Details Below

Posted by L12News at 09:07 PM
Ginwen Completes Epic


Our own loveable druid Ginwen completed his epic today when the forces of Legendary 12 faced down the pit sized lizard Faydedar. We handily defeated this unruly creature, and the prize was claimed. Another epic "in the can" and another guild druid blowing leaves. Were we done there? Not even!

Posted by L12News at 09:06 PM
Sea Dragon and Chips

News had reached us that Kelorek'Dar was unhappy that his cousin Faydedar had been given such a pasting. Hearing that he had roused from the depths in search of a "rematch" to settle family honor, we were glad to travel to Cobalt Scars and face him down too.


By this time we were feeling a bit hungry from all this adventuring. Luckly Lodasx showed us how to make chips the Cabilis style (hit: you use extra virgin froglok oil). We polished of the pollywog and divided up his rather meager treasure.

Posted by L12News at 09:06 PM
Lodasx Gets Slimed

After spending hours in the City of Mist with a small team to complete his epic, we are sad to report that Lodasx, faithful guild Shaman, has suffered a setback. In the final battle, just as the Lord that held the last component was near death, an angry herd of slimes attacked and killed our raiding party.

Unfortunately this means that Lodasx will be returning to Mist (we hope soon) with a larger force to defeat the Lord and any noisome slimes that might disrupt our proceedings.

Posted by L12News at 09:06 PM
Giant Flaming Elemental Gets Snuffed

After the frozen confines of the Cobalt Scar, we were looking for something to warm our bones. What could be better than a trip to Burning Woods to face Ixiblat Fer? Avid was there to get another peice for her epic, and she was kind enough to bring marshmellows for us to toast on the end of our swords as we dispatched this abomination. Congrats to Avid for another piece towards her epic!


Most guilds would call it a day at this point, but for some reason we kept going...

Posted by L12News at 09:01 PM
Halls of Testing Attacked

We always love the Halls of Testing. Its a happy place full of playful children of Veeshan and their kin. Today we teamed up with Township Rebelion once more, and invaded the Halls of Testing. The whole experience could be described as quick, violent and left you wondering. (Reminds me a bit of my last salary negotiations).


Our goal was to get to Dozekar the Cursed, who had recently awoken and was calling out for challengers. We were just about to prepare for his demise when.....

Posted by L12News at 09:01 PM
Ragefire Spawns!

Plucky Avid decided that such things as time and space meant nothing to her. So what if Ragefire had just spawned a few hours ago, by golly, I am going to camp him. Norrath is a strange and wonderful place, and the unexpected can happen. Just as the Legendary 12 was getting ready to buff up for Dozekar, the call comes that Ragefire had spawned.

In an impressive move of coordination and skill the army of 12 swooped in as one to Skyfire and attacked Ragefire. At least 2 other guilds were attempting to assemble to attack him, but our coordination and speed of execution left them aghast. Congratulations to Avid for her second epic piece in one day.

Posted by L12News at 09:01 PM
Dozekar the Cursed Routed


With Ragefire dead, we returned to the Halls of Testing to finish off Dozekar. We dispatched him in textbook style, and would have lost few except for some unfortunate lag at the time he enraged. Congratulations to the members that recieved quest tears:

Flame Kissed Tear - Snaggle
Flame Kissed Tear - Mysphit
Emerald Tear - Ldaian
Platinum Tear - Felong

Posted by L12News at 09:00 PM
September 01, 2002
Dargarn the Destroyer Defeated

Late last night the Legendary 12 continued their tour of North Temple. After the defeat of Aaryonar, we moved to challenge Dagarn the Destroyer. Although he looked like a normal Wurm, he was a nasty little pile of scales. His area blast was fire based, and we were well prepared for such attacks. As a result we suffered minimal casualties, and he made a most pleasant thud as he fell.


Our triumph after a couple of defeats against Aaryonar promted the following quote from our good friend (and NToV mentor) Sarthis to remark:

Sarthis tells L12raid:3, 'Jesus f***ing christ guys, you just did Dagarn with ZERO DEATHS on your FIRST TRY'

We were happy too! Even more so when we found he had some really nice treasure. Congratulations to all who were improved by it!

Boots of the Destroyer - Kilari
Bow of the Destroyer - Lachdonnan
Bow of the Destroyer - Bllaze
Bow of the Silver Fang - Lachdonnan
Melodic Charm - Sorrowed

Go Legendary 12!

Posted by L12News at 08:35 AM