August 31, 2002
Aaryonar Slain!


After hours of hard work, the Legendary 12 have succeeded in taking down Aaryonar. It was a tremendous battle that required patience, coordination and a great deal of skill. Again Utillar stood his ground as the main tank for this encounter, and skillfully directed the placement of the foul beast (critical for this encounter). In spite of her AoE mana drain, the clerics and support healers were able to hold up our fighting crew to see the job done. A congratulation to the members of Legendary 12 for all of the hard work and effort it took win this battle.

When the beast lay dead, we were rewarded with some rare and precious items, the first of their like in our guild:

Circlet of Summer - Autumnrayne
Rocksmasher - Tidan
Barrier of Sound - Zentari

The fight continues in the North Side of ToV - More news as it happens! -L12News

Posted by L12News at 10:09 PM
Lendiniara the Keeper Dispatched

On its conquest of the Temple of Veeshan, the Legendary 12 plaid a small visit to the playful wurms and dragons of the west side. Our target : Lendiniara the Keeper.

We cleared the majority of the West Wing nasties, and proceeded to take apart the Keeper. Many of them were kind enough to give generously to our members in the form of armor components for the Giants in Kael. Congratulations to

Plate Arms - Kanine
Silk Bracer - Bubonik
Chain Boots - Lachdonnan
Chain Tunic - Lachdonnan
Chain Gauntlets - Lachdonnan
Chain Sleeves - Lachdonnan
Silk Boots - Kyos
Leather Boots - Kristofos
Leather Bracer - Noctourne
Leather Gloves - Garreet
Leather Boots - Tanixxx
Leather Leggings - Ginwen
Chain Bracer - Bllaze

After the playful guardians and drakes were dispatched back to mother Veeshan, it was time for the main event. The fight was fairly straighfoward, with Utillar doing the the tanking. The key was pacing of this fight, and to withstand her AoE dispells. In the end she was no match for our forces, and we celebrated upon her demise. Congratulations to the Legendary 12 for their first kill of Lendiniara the Keeper! Of course she had a dragon's treasure horde, and we were happy to recieve the following bounty for our work

Lendiniara's Talisman - Mckey
Silver Girdle of Stability - Thorak
Gloves of Stability - Snaggle

Congratulations to all, and well done.

At this moment the fighting in the Temple of Veeshan is still on going. Word has reached L12News that the assualt on the North side has begun again. We will bring you continious coverage of the events as they unfold! -L12News

Posted by L12News at 05:14 PM
So Close Yet So Far

Long after L12News had gone to bed, the die hards of Legendary 12 were still at it in ToV North. Refusing to accept defeat from on overfed lizard, they valiantly did battle with the foul beast once more.


Reports are the battle was epic, with every last Elf, Ogre, Gnome and Iksar giving it their all. Bodies fell in great piles and the stones of the temple ran red with blood. The battle was bound to be close, but how close left me speachless.

As the last of the Legendary 12 fell in battle, Aaryonar was at ZERO precent health. That miserable pile of scales hung onto life by a thread, defeating us by the most narrow of margins.


We will return again today to settle this score. You have been warned

Congratulations to Lodasx who recived a Ring of Superiority from one of the guards we killed during this amazing battle.

Posted by L12News at 10:30 AM
August 30, 2002
North Temple - Round 3

Our goal this week has been to make slow and steady progress into the north end of the Temple of Veeshan. So far that is exactly what we have done.

Tonight our forces went toe to toe with Aaryonar several times. While for today she got the best of us, each attempt was better, and our skill at containing these creatures and controling the encounter grows.

While the prime dragons have been a challenge for us, their minions are fun sport for our forces. In the course of clearing to the north side, we were once again blessed with an impressive array of armor components for our new friends the Kromzek of Kael Drakkel. Congratulations to the members who have been bolstered by their new armor!

Plate Legs - Tidan
Chain Sleeves - Guthurm
Chain Sleeves - Bllaze
Leather Tunic - Ginwin
Chain Boots - Sijandi
Leather Gloves - Quixon
Silk Wristband - Uban
Plate Breastplate - Sorrowed

Word of note: we return tonight to the North Side at 1:00PM Eastern / 10:00AM Pacific to start grouping and buffing. Pulls at 1:30PM Eastern sharp!

Posted by L12News at 10:26 PM
Caster Blaster!

We would like to congratulate Stanex for placing 3rd overall in the caster free for all event in the arena today.

We don't yet have the details of his fights, but we are happy and proud that another fine member of Legendary 12 has made a good showing in a server wide event.

Congratulations and well done!

Posted by L12News at 10:16 PM
Levels Continue

The Legendary 12 would like to congratulate some of our memebers who have leveled in the last few days. These extra levels really help out in our raids and big encounters with better resisting of AoE spells, and increased damage output.

So hats off to:
Guthurm - 59
Eepson - 57
Seriv - 57

Well done, we appreciate the effort!

Posted by L12News at 10:13 PM
North Temple – Round 2

The simplest way to describe it is an outrageous disappointment. The Legendary 12 returned to the Temple of Veeshan last night, with one thing on their minds. To apply all they had learned the day before and push deeper into the northern quadrant. We were working our way towards dispatching first major target, when the zone abruptly gave up the ghost. With the zone re-set, all of the lizards we were there to attack de-spawned, not to be seen again until the following day. We went our separate ways to pursue individual adventures.

Several stayed behind and took out their frustration in the Halls of Testing. Perhaps as some consolation to us they were a bit more generous than normal. Congratulations to the members that won armor components!

Plate Breastplate – Frubblestump
Plate Bracer – Mercum
Silk Arms – Bartrose
Plate Bracer – Tanu
Silk Arms – Khysanth

Remember, we return tonight to the North Side at 6:30PM Eastern to start grouping and buffing. Pulls at 7:00PM Eastern sharp!

Posted by L12News at 07:49 AM
August 29, 2002
North Temple - Round 1

Our first night in ToV North is complete. We tried out many new tactics, and faced some of the dragons and their brood there for the first time. In what can best be described as a learning process, we spent many hours trying different approaches at pulling and defeating these new and challenging creatures.

Our thanks go to the pull team who took countless deaths working out the correct strategies to safely pull these dragons, and our appreciation to the members, many of who were there for 6 solid hours in support of the guild.

With all that raiding going on, you would think there would be some treasure! Well, oddly enough, there was! Congratulations to the members who received valuable upgrades. These armor pieces are for the Kael quest armor. Looks like we will be needing giant faction after all!

Ancient Leather Tunic – Garreet
Ancient Silk Robe – Durason
Ancient Tarnished (Plate) Boots – Tidan
Ancient Silk Turban – Zurie
Ancient Tarnished (Plate) Vambraces – Thorak
Ancient Leather Gloves – Tristen

Remember, we return tonight to the North Side at 6:30PM Eastern to start grouping and buffing. Pulls at 7:00PM Eastern sharp!

Posted by L12News at 07:49 AM
August 28, 2002
Legendary 12 Heads to North ToV

In a move anticipated for weeks the Legendary 12 will make their first assault on the north wing of the Temple of Veeshan. Targets today will be Lendaria the Keeper with Eashen and Ikatiar the Venom to follow. Please be in the waiting room of the Temple at 6:30 EST / 3:30 PST. Pulls will begin at 7:00 EST / 4:00 PST sharp.

Guild stalwart cleric Erdha had this to say about these encounters; “Cool, I love doing these guys! Keeper seemed easier than gozzrem to me, but clearing the way is tricky sometimes. Ikatiar is like vindi without rampage, really easy. Eashen a bit harder because he has those stupid AE spells, but still easy for some really nice items! Looking forward to it!”

This is the beginning of a new phase in our guild, and everyone is encouraged to show up to help us in this raid.

Go Legendary 12!

Posted by L12News at 01:53 PM
Legendary 12 invades Sleepers Tomb

This evening small number of Legendary 12 members conducted an armed reconnaissance of Sleepers Tomb. Our numbers were limited by people who were on line and had keys, but our small crew held their own against a difficult and tricky zone. In remarks made to the raid channel, guild leader Snaggle remarked “We want to get a feel for the zone, learn how to pull and how to control agro”.


The going was tough at times, as the monsters there were quick to assist each other, and even the skilled pulling of our monks was sometimes not enough to ensure that waves of golems did not attack. Our thanks go out to the handful of members from other guilds that joined our party to assist in our scouting mission.

In spite of several pitched battles and a few deaths, no substantial treasure was found on this trip. Rest assured that the Legendary 12 will return to the Sleepers Tomb in greater numbers and improved understanding of the zone soon.

Posted by L12News at 08:08 AM
Stealth Advances in Last Man Standing

One of our local rogues in training, Stealth, placed 3rd in the serverwide Last Man Standing competition for levels 40-50. This is an impressive accomplishment as he is only level 39, and faced opponents that were equipped with epics, and that had de-leveled to enter the competition. Using his cunning and skill, he was able to survive until the final rounds, where combat was limited to the arena platform itself.

Rumors have it that a follow on competition will be conducted soon, and we can look forward to seeing more of his skill in action.

Well done Stealth, and congratulations!

Posted by L12News at 08:07 AM
August 27, 2002
More Levels

L12News would like to congratulate the following players on their new levels

Frubblestump - 58
Zeeve - 58
Balinki - 60

Keep up the hard work folks!

Posted by L12News at 06:38 PM
August 26, 2002
Dragon Bane Double Header

The Legendary 12 are no friend of Klandicar, and we are even on worse friends with his cannibal brother Zlandicar. Imagine our surprise and delight to find both of them running around like free range chickens ready for the fryer.

First up tonight was Klandicar. While we went into Dragon Necropolis to set up the deep fry tanks and the baked beans, he ran wind sprints and warmed up in Western Wastes. Our first attack ended up with Klandicar gaining many AAXP points, and feeling a bit full.

Our second attack was successful, and it was off to the BBQ roaster for him.

Meanwhile in the bowels of Dragon Necropolis, Zlandicar taunted us with his juicy drumsticks. While Klandicar was quite a feast, there were still some that were hungry after he was gone. What else was there to do but go down the tunnels to Zlandicar for a second helping?

He stood even less of a chance than his straight laced brother, and we took him appart like Thanksgiving dinner after a month of fasting.

Needless to say, taking down 2 dragons resulted in a veritable flood of bounty, and as we polished off the last of our dragon brisket sandwiches, we spit it up among the members.

Go Legendary 12! The finest Dragon roasters in all of Norrath!

Klandicar's Talisman - Tidan
Zlandicar's Talisman - Zzorn
Worked Dragonhide Breastplate - Aristiri
Worked Dragonleg Breeches - Trans
First Brood Talisman - Recoome
Frakadar's Talisman - Pyrafyre
Zlandicar's Heart - Tyranxus
Massive Dragonclaw Shard - Slob

Posted by L12News at 09:25 PM
August 25, 2002
Return of the Dain

After our successful attack on Tunare, the Legendary 12 returned to the Icewell Keep to face off against Dain Frostreaver IV once more. Seems that he had returned as part of a shawl quest, and we were all too happy to send him back to the Coldain afterlife.

Through the skill of the bouncing sea monkies, he was cleanly pulled and the army of Legendary 12 did the rest of the work.

Once again the King's treansure was handsome, and it was shared among the members. Congratulations to those that were rewarded in this fight.

Head of Dain Frostreaver IV - Zzorn
Frostreaver's Embroidered Cloak - Garreet
Frostreaver's Embroidered Cloak - Uban
Tri-plated Golden Hackle Hammer - Phoebeus


Rumor has it that due to some twisted magic, the rogues present transformed into gnomes. When asked why they would do such a thing, Guthurm (rumored to be the instigator) said "We will show the Dain Gnomercy"

Posted by L12News at 08:59 PM
Tunare Defeated - Round 2

Late last night, Tunare spawned in a rather depopulated plane of growth. Eager to finish the job they had started, the Legendary 12 quickly moved in to attack what remained of her minions.

Early in the fighting Rumbleroot, Treah Greenroot and Sirak the Fang had fallen to our might. As the day wore on we began to encounter respawns from the previous day's fight. These fresh re-inforcements threatened to complicate our first encounter with the Godess of Nature.

In the end she fell to our skill, and Legendary 12 affirmed its rightful place in Tier 5. Congratulations for and enormous effort over the course of 2 days to complete this encounter. She rewarded our efforts with several spectacular pieces of treasure:

Braid of Golden Hair - Zerapheus
Fists of Nature - Denth
Essence of Nature - Bartrose

Go Legendary 12!

Posted by L12News at 11:25 AM
Dain Frostreaver Decimated

In spite of defiling her plain, killing her pets, and stampeeding her livestock, Tunare did not show her face to our fierce army. With that many crazed souls hungry for blood, we turned our attention upon the lazy monarch of the Coldain; Dain Frostreaver IV.

This was a join effort with some of our good friends in Township Rebellion, and the entire outing had a happy social feel. Needless to say the Dain was still no match for our forces, and we defeated him with ease. He has a fine stash of treasure (what would you expect from a king?) and the new items were heralded by all.

Well done Legendary 12!

Tri-plated Golden Hackle Hammer - Saladen
Frostreaver's Embroidered Cloak - TBD
Frostreaver's Velium Crown - Avid
Head of Dain Frostreaver IV - Sijandi

Posted by L12News at 09:23 AM