August 24, 2002
Legendary 12 Invades Plane of Growth

Today the Legendary 12 invaded the Plane of Growth from the rift in Western Wastes. There goal was to find Tunare and banish her from this world. Before we could face her in battle we had to clean her land of her minions, and with a huge force of arms many tempermental and violent creatures were dispatched.

As the day drew on, there was still no sign of Tunare. In the end we were to leave the plane defiled and barren, but without seeing Tunare or metering out our justice. Next time she will not be so lucky!

As a product of this hunting, several members were rewarded with new and upgraded equipment.

Assassin's Bracer - Guthurm
Assassin's Bracer - Sijandi
Berserker's Breastplate - Katorin
Berserker's Greaves - Tanu
Sleeves of Conjuration - Kyos
Wristband of Conjuration (x2) - Kyos
Spirit Weaver's Breastplate - Zeeve

Posted by L12News at 06:22 PM
Legendary 12 Defeats Statue of Rallos Zek

Today the Legendary 12 looked forward to a relaxing day in the Plane of Growth, slaughtering the playful woodland creatures with 12 inch fangs. During their pastoral romp and rampage, word came that at long last that laggard Statue of Rallos Zek had sprung to life.

We quickly moved from Growth to Kael Drakkel, and after assisting Avalon in slaying that chump the Vindicator, proceeded to pull the statue. The encounter was near perfect, with only 2 deaths from the hapless monk pullers who were unable to feign when needed.

Check out the streaming MPEG video of the crack Legendary 12 team practicing for this pull - L12 News Exclusive!

Congratulations to Legendary 12!

Cloak of the Falling Stars - Raiddin
Sleepers Tomb Key - Saladen
Hammer of Battle - Aristiri
Hammer of Battle - Tanu
Gauntlets of Iron Tactics - Zeeve
Gladiator's Chain Leggings - Graycloak
Torn Enchanted Robe - Bartrose
Torn Enchanted Sleeves - Xlandfear

Posted by L12News at 01:28 PM
August 23, 2002
Lcea Katta Falls Again

This evening the Legendary 12 traveled to Katta Castellum to once again face down Lcea Katta and her guards. After a brief set up period, Uban pulled Lcea to the group without knowing it, and the fight was on.

Many members were charmed, stabbed, punched in the head or run amok. Towards the end of the fight mana was in short supply and the blows were coming fast and hard.

When she died she graced us with several useful and rare items. Congratulations to Legendary 12 on another victory!

Amulet of the Pure Heart - Zeeve
Katta Staff of Peace - Uban
Glowing Luclinite Orb - Lodasx

Posted by L12News at 06:35 PM
Doom Gets Aired Out

This evening the Legendary 12 were disappointed to find that the Statue of Rallos Zek was still too terrified to show up and face us. As a consolation we took out our frustration on that giant self-propelled choir robe, Doomshade. The Dark Masters were chanting for him to show up (rumor has it he brings them pints of lager), and we were kind enough to kill them. As if on cue, the big robe himself shows up to see who so handily defeated his rather pitiful minions.

An excellent pull to the Maiden?s Eye zone line later, and he found out first hand what real Doom is all about!

He was generous with his treasure, and many members received valuable upgrades.

Dark Master Chestplate - Sijandi
Dark Master Greaves - Aristiri
Knotted Knuckles - Cyril
Cursed Halo of Thought - Trans
Stave of Wit - Xlanfear

Well done Legendary 12!

Posted by L12News at 07:17 AM
Venril Sathir Ventilated

Sometimes one spooky monster is just not enough. Rumor had it that Venril Sathir, the recluse necromancer in Karnor?s, had finally rolled his lazy backside out of bed. What better way to welcome the day than a friendly visit from the Legendary 12?

Congratulations to Glasgow on his epic piece! In addition he dropped several other items, and his treasure was distributed:

Mrylokar Greaves - Sijandi
Gnarled Staff - Glasgow

Nothing starts your day like a Legendary 12 brute squad!

Posted by L12News at 07:16 AM
More Dings Across Norrath

The levels keep rolling for members of the Legendary 12. We would like to congratulate the following members:

Bartrose – 60
Frubblestump – 57

Thanks for the hard work! Your added skills are a help to the entire guild.

Posted by L12News at 07:15 AM
August 21, 2002
Ithiosar Gets A Work Out

Legendary 12 headed to the Swamp of No Hope to do battle with Ithiosar. He is rumored to be one rather mean and cranky serpent, and with our history of taming such beasts, the Legendary 12 decided to give him a go.

We defeated Ithiosar the Fallen handily (he looked and smelled like a moldy loaf of french bread with teeth) rewarding us with Belts for Lachdonnan and Mysphit. Our attempts at his transparent replacement were not as successful, and the Legendary 12 had to depart from the field of battle without victory against him. Mark our words Ithiosar, we will return and string a clothes line from those great antlers of yours, and play rugby with your eyeballs next time.

Deed Fury Girdle - Mysphit
Seeker Fury Girdle - Lachdonnan

Posted by L12News at 09:20 PM
Epic Battles

The Legendary 12 spent much of Wednesday doing engaging in epic battles and conquests. First on tap was the City of Mist, where Zentari was able to obtain the final piece of her epic. Congratulations and well earned! We will soon have another Staff of the Serpent in guild! In addtion Aristiri picked up Swiftwind - one step closer to the epic.

From there the army of the 12 headed to Kithicor, and made quick work of The General and his rather meager staff to complete Sijandi's Ragebringer epic. Congratulations to him on finally finishing that up!

Thanks to all the members and friends who helped complete these two quests.

Posted by L12News at 09:19 PM
August 20, 2002
Halls of Testing Rampage

Not satisfied with their defeat of the Vindicator, the army of the Legendary 12 invaded the Halls of Testing for a quick game of "punt the wurm". We would like to thank our friends in Science of War for allowing us to pass through their raid into the deeper parts of the Halls of Testing.

We defeated many foul and smelly beasts, and a good time was had by all. It seems they were in a plate mail mood tonigh, and several members recieved quest components for valuable upgrades

Aristiri - Chain Bracer
Aarison - Plate Gloves
Aarison - Plate Boots
Aarison - Plate Arms
Gentaltouch - Plate Helm
Kanine - Plate Boots
Uban - Silk Gloves

Congratulations Legendary 12!

Posted by L12News at 08:11 PM
More Levels!

Still more members have gained levels in the past week:

Khysanth - 56
Tanu -56
Tallyn - 59

Congratulations on your new level, and thanks from all of us for the hard work towards making us a stronger guild. Well done all!

Posted by L12News at 08:03 PM
Vindicator Again!

You think this guy would learn not to answer the door!

Legendary 12 once again invaded Kael tonight and made quick work of the Vindicator and his henchmen. This time we had to dress as cave remodelling specialists to get the Kromzek to let us in. Once they realized who we were, it was too late.

Congratulations to Sorrowed on her new Chestplate of Vindication !

Posted by L12News at 07:56 PM
August 19, 2002
Klandicar Barbeque'd & and Served Up Family Style

Klandicar, the big scaley beast of Western Wastes, taunted us from his icy grotto, near the entrance of Dragon Necropolis. Though we spent this day working on personal development, we could not pass up an oportunity to play our old chum Klandicar a call, with our rumbling tummies leading us on.

We quickly mustered our fighting forces at the entrance to Dragon Necropolis and buffed to fighting status. After 2 false starts (seems the lesser wurms were eager to play catch the Ogre) we began our attack.

While our fearless druids and monks had chased off (or killed) the earlier swarm of playful lizards, a new batch arrived to spice up our fight with Klandicar. As a result we lost more than the usual amount to this encounter.

In the end we were victorious, and Klandicar rewarded us with some of his treasure.

Klandicar's Talisman - Phoebeus
Worked Dragonleg Breeches - Aristri
Exquisite Velium Spear - Guthurm

Gift of Pure Thought (x2)
Banishment (x2)
Asphyxiate (x2)

After the loot was distributed, the beast was sliced thin and served roasted on fresh rolls there were baked on site by Uban during the battle. It has been said that Legendary 12 does indeed serve the finest BBQ in all of Norrath.

Congratulations all!

Posted by L12News at 09:34 PM
August 18, 2002
Tier 5 Here We Come!

Today the Legendary 12 faced their toughest test to date. We challenged the Handmaiden of Tunare, at stake was our pride and our Tier. If we passed we would be elevated 2 tiers in rank, if we failed we were determined to learn all we could from the encounter.

The battle was fairly brief and violent. In the end, the Handmaiden of Tunare lay defeated, and the shouts of celebration could be heard across the server.


In depth coverage of the events of today can be found here.

Congratulations to Legendary 12 in their victory, and their ascension to Tier 5.

Posted by L12News at 06:35 PM
Officers To Meet

Snaggle has called an officers meeting in game at 8PM Eastern time. Officers of the guild are requested to make plans to attend.

Posted by L12News at 06:31 PM
Levels Galore

Members of the Legendary 12 have taken advantage of character development days, and as a result there are several players who have recently leveled.

We would like to send our congratulations to:

Autumnrayne - Level 60
Uban - Level 60
Zurie - Level 59
Guthurm - Level 58

Thanks for the hard work!

Posted by L12News at 06:31 PM