August 17, 2002
Lcea Katta Mugged - Castellum Burgled

Not content with the snuffing of the Vindicator, the forces of the Twelve trooped off to the moon, to the dark and gloomy Katta Castellum. This foreboding city has long been rumored to be the secret sanctuary of the Coterie. The Legendary 12 are no friend to the undead, even if they pay us proper respect. We set our sights on Lcea Katta herself. Though she gives the outward appearance of being a keeper of good and true faith, we believed she is in league with the evil dead, therefore she had to die.

The combat was lengthy, featuring many special "guest tanks" including most of the rogues in guild, and a few casters. Her charming ways turned some of the males into her personal pleasure slaves / killing machines. Sadly they never were to enjoy the former.

She rewarded our efforts with 3 items.

Luclinite Orb (Vex Thal quest) - Dargon
Girdle of Magnificence - Uban
Girdle of Magnificence - Garreet

Uban was so overcome with joy, that he composed these words of guidance for us all to reflect upon.


Posted by L12News at 04:58 PM
Vindicator! We've Got Your Number

Derakor the Vindicator was relaxing on a nice snowy afternoon. A perfect day to sit by the fire and read a good book. He was looking forward to a quiet day.

Such pleasant thoughts were far from the minds of the Legendary 12. They stormed the gates of Kael Drakkal, and cleared a path to the arena. From the pasting we gave them last time, you would have thought the Kromzek would have left town as they heard us approach.

We made quick work of the guards, the spectators, the priests and any other 'talls' we could find. The Vindicator's two guards wisely found something more important to do, and left him to us.

In spite of a choppy start, he proved no match for the Legendary 12, and we dispatched him with minimal casualties.

Congratulations to Plur on receiving the Chestplate of Vindication

Posted by L12News at 01:34 PM
August 16, 2002
Dain Frostreaver Defaced, Icewell Plundered!

Tonight the Legendary 12 invaded Icewell Keep. Rumors had been rampant that the Dain had taken to bringing his "Spare Crown" with him to the royal privy, and we decided to see if that was true.

The army of the 12 descended the Icewell, and cleared the horrid creatures that live there. With skilled pulling we picked off his smelly henchmen one by one (and sometimes in bunches), then proceeded to dispatch the Dain to an icy grave.

In the end the rumors were true! He had not one but TWO crowns with him this day. Congratulations to all the members and the guests that helped take him down.

Frostreaver - Kanine
Frostreaver's Velium Crown - Pyrafyre
Frostreaver's Velium Crown – Carsions (The spare?)
Shield of the Seneschal - Avid
Tri-plated Golden Hackle Hammer - Denth

Posted by L12News at 08:18 PM
Legendary 12 News Goes Live

I would like to welcome you all to the new Legendary 12 news site. It has been some time in the making, but I hope you will enjoy it, and find it a wealth of useful information.

There are a couple of features on the right hand side to take a look at. We have linked to some of the areas about the guild charter, and the DKP standings under the guild information section. We also have a list of our tier targets for the week, with links of to Alla’s descriptions of the monsters. The calendar will be used to post information about events that are planned in advance.

Where possible I will try to post screenshots of our kills, as well as write down who looted what. While it would be nice to make all raids, it won’t be possible. That means I will need a couple of stout folks to send me one or two screenshots of the action or the kill, and a list of what items dropped and who won them.

Enjoy the site, I think you will like it!

Vexx – L12News

Posted by L12News at 08:03 AM
August 15, 2002
Klandicar Bested


After our warm up with Velkator, the Legendary 12 moved on to Western Wastes to liberate another talisman from Klandicar. While we have no quarrel with the Claws of Veeshan in general, Klandicar was unwilling to give the talisman freely, and we were forced to kill him.

While Klandicar's power is renown (the bones of several unfortunate previous adventurers could be seen hanging from his teeth), he died in a hasty 4 minutes 24 seconds. In the course of besting him many of the guild were slain, and quickly resurrected.

He rewarded the guild with several items from his treasure store

Klandicar's Talisman - Fazzadien
Reinforced Dragonhide Gloves - Faithof
Reinforced Dragonhide Legs - Sijandi

Greater Voc: Water

Bonus Round!
We heard that there was a horrid rat infestation deep in Dragon Necropolis, and since we were there we decided to help out. We descended the depths to find the rat prince Vaniki, and quickly sent him to the Verminator

Congratulations Zerapheus on the new Willsapper!

Posted by L12News at 09:13 PM
Velkator Snuffed

On Thursday afternoon the Legendary 12 assaulted the gates of the icy keep that is Velkator the Sorcerer's home. The guarding parasites wisely took the afternoon off, leaving their employer with minimal protection.

The icy giant mage proved to be no match for the skill of the Legendary 12, and we was gutted, and his severed head added to the trophy hall. He was kind enough to leave us with the following gifts:

Vermilion Orb of Torrefaction
Silver Sword of Yalrek
Boots of Bladecalling
Velketor's Spellbook

Monster Summoning III
Focus of the Spirit

Congratulations to all on another fine kill

Posted by L12News at 09:02 PM
Tier 5 Test

On Sunday, August 18th, Legendary 12 will test for Tier 5 in the arena next to Lake Rathe. Guild leader Snaggle had this to say;

“It is mostly a trial run. I want to see what kind of forces we can muster, and what we are lacking. I want to come up with some solid tactics. There will be much experimentation. A lot of the experimentation will be with creating flesh walls, determining how many MTs are needed and how to keep them healed, and observing the DPS we can expect to deliver.”

All members are expected to turn out if at all possible to help the guild in progressing to the next level of adventure

Posted by L12News at 09:20 AM
August 14, 2002
Dozekar the Cursed Ravaged by Legendary 12

The Legendary 12 attacked Dozekar the Cursed in his lair in the Temple of Veeshan tonight. In a nearly textbook slaying of the vile beast, few were lost and he was dispatched back to Mother Veeshan in short order. An outstanding job was done all the way around by every member of the raid.

Carsions got the killing blow.

Congratulations to the members who came away with Tears!

Emerald Tear - Mckey
Poison Tear - Snaggle
Fire Kissed Tear - Trans

Posted by L12News at 10:11 PM
Halls of Testing Ransacked!

The Legendary 12 invaded the Halls of Testing tonight, slaying all that they met. The residents were eager to have us leave, hoping we would spare them, and so they gave us treasure by the bucketful in hopes of appeasing us.


Congratulations to all that came away with upgrades!

Leather Arms - Lodasx
White Symbol - Guthurm
Silk Sleeves - Uban
Silver Symbol - Denth
Silk Legs - Xlanfear
Plate Legs - Gentaltouch
Plate Boots - Avid
Plate Boots - Gentaltouch
Plate Tunic - Avid
Silk Turbin - Glasgow
Plate Sleeves - Kanine
Leather Sleeves - Bank
Chain Boots - Guthurm
Chain Hat - Carsions
Runed Symbol - Phoebeus
Glowing Orb - Guthurm

Posted by L12News at 10:05 PM
Vindicator Slain

The Vindicator fell to the skilled hands of the Legendary Twelve Tuesday night. After another surprise server reset the rush was on to claim what spawns were up. Thanks to some excellent pulling and coordiantion, forces of L12 quickly stormed Kael Drakel and tore a path to the arena. Many greater and lesser members of the Kromrif and Kromzek were dispatched, with a few of them having armor components for Coldain quests.

The guild assembled in their normal area to await the Vindicator. Sadly our first attempt ended in a surprising defeat mostly due to lag. Our second attempt was a textbook slaying; taking no more than 3 minutes elapsed time.

Congratulations to Zeeve on his new Breastplate (#1 on his wishlist), and all of Legendary 12 for a successful raid.

Posted by L12News at 09:30 AM