February 24, 2003
That Which Endures

Tough to know if anyone still visits this page, to see if anything is happening.


Oddly enough, something may be happening. There are still a few stalwart souls out there with the Legendary 12 tag in game. Personally, I will not remove it. I am still proud of who we were and are, and what we were able to accomplish. We truly paved the way for others that followed. We were Stormhammer's first, best outfitted "Organic" guild. We were the first to set up a news page and guild portal, we set the standard for organization, fairness in loot distribution and being “above board” in our dealings. True towards the end there were a lot of folks that seem to find faults with how the leadership did almost anything.

Still the thought of those tags tugs at my thoughts.... I saw Fazz on Sunday morning. He still proudly carries the banner. Rumor has it there are others of the core L12 team that have yet to surrender them.

Naturally my thoughts ponder what it would be like to form the Legendary 12 once more, re-born and re-forged closer to the ideals. Smaller, tighter and more focused on what we all enjoy in game.

I think I am going to contact Cinexa about getting the ez-board password and turning it back on. You can feel free to leave comments there, if anyone reads this!

Vexx aka L12News

Just to make life more fun, I am reposting some of our stories and adventures for your entertainment.

Posted by L12News at February 24, 2003 02:34 PM

I wish to get a reinvite back to l12 I left when I went back to RZ, but i did come back and want to be back witht he family

Posted by: zeeve on February 25, 2003 10:46 PM
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