December 26, 2002
Holiday Update

So here it it, the Holiday season, and its almost over. And what have we to show for it? I guess that all depends if you've been good or bad.

Well for those of you who have been bad, our good friend here, "Idol Clause" has stoped by with his bag of goodies (which i've taken the liberty to defile). So for all you naughty people, Happy Holdays from Kael Drakkal!

Now, those of you who were good, most of you of course, are wondering what exactly you get. You prolly didn't see "Idol Clause" come visit you, which is a good thing, for most. Now, we don't exactly get a big tree to which we get to pick up out phat lewts from in the morning, but we do have many a oppertunity to run around and bash the nasties that carry all the paht lewts we want. Almost like a grab bag with endless oppertunities. Now a good majority of you have all got some nice new item, a shiney new mob whacking weapon, maybe even a new spell to wiggle your fingers to.

One of the many targets we started with, Zlandicar, a dragon inside Dragon Necropolis, which we are all familar to. As we made out way, and prepared to destory this beast, we were greeted with a suprise. This clever dragon found a way to access our chat channels!

As he tried to strike fear into us all and roar at us making terrible smiley faces, we all stared in bewilderment and amasement that this crafty creature figure out our plans. As swift as ever, Tumon the resident paladin with emoticon knowledge, strikes back at the dragon with a whitty come back hoping to scare him away.

After we scared Zlandicar out of our chat channel and reformed with a new strategy the dragon was dispatched with little to no trouble.

Our next target was done mostly out of neccesity. This terrible dragon in the Planes of Innovation was told to us by a small gnome who inhabits the lands. Distress struck in our hearts as we heard the beast was eatting our beloved Ldaian. We had to rescue him.

In the end we were victorious and all the phat lewts were distributed accordingly. We dispatched the beast numerous times during this holiday season as we heard he was making plans to eat our gnomes next! Even though quite tempting to let him, we had to save our loyal guildmates. The guild stands victorious over this mechanical moster with our halflings and gnomes alike.

Now as the season started to come to an end with all the holidays and time off fast approaching, a few new toys came out on the market, and L12 wanted them for christmas. Our focus changed and we moved into the Planes of Power taking a look at our shopping lists, the first target was Aerin'Dar. Halls of Honor keys for everyone, and L12's buying, with the assistance of Science of War, and anyone else who wanted to collect some new presents.

This terrribe atrocity was met by a large crew of close to 100 people. Shopping lists in hand we engaged the beast and proceded to club him like a pinata until he died and burst forth with keys for everyone. For the most part this satisfied everyones needs and we soon moved on to continue in the holiday spirit.

Some of you who weren't visited by "Idol Clause" and recieved the defiled bag of goodies from him, or visited by the "phat lewts" fairy and recieved all the goodies that some have, all still recieved something. The officers of L12 give a special holiday thank you to everyone, good and rotten this year. A 10 point DKP bouns!

Now, with Christmas and New Years right around the bend, we took to traditions of drinking, and getting drunk. As a result, many people made a spectacle of them selves and we were all there to see it. As you will see many people had just a tad bit to much to drink. Our beloved Slashim, who has since dissapeared was cought in Ssra Temple making out with the lamp in the corner, which he though to be a woman. He thought he was shrouded by his invisibility spell, but we all saw through.

Now next up our great friend and lovable ogre Thug, even though a large man, apparently cant hold his ale, and splurt out some secrets about what him and snaggle had been doing in privacy. I've come to the conclusion that although big men, ogre's cant hold there ale.

And of course, everyones favorite scapegoat Marvin. Trolls seem not to hold there ale well either and blurt out whatever is on there mind when under the influence too!

Happy Holidays, and lay off the ale!

Posted by Frubblestump at December 26, 2002 07:06 PM
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