December 02, 2002
Statue Defeated in Kael - Temple Defiled


Some days the guild gets lucky. This day we were fortunate enough to be presented with our good friends Vindicator and the Statue of Rallos Zek, ripe and ready for the picking. We are no strangers to the pleasantries of the nobles of Kael Drakkel, and we bid them all a bloody adieu as we rampaged through their domain.

The Vindicator repeatedly announced that we would not defile the Temple of Rallos Zek, but oddly enough that was exactly what we were there to do. The Vindicator was slain and sure enough, moments later Frubblestump took to defiling.


With the warm up out of the way, we were free to pull the statue of that rather questionable god Rallos Zek. With a firm grip on our tactics we were able to defeat him with little fuss, and we left Kael depleted and in need of a thorough cleaning.

Posted by L12News at December 02, 2002 08:29 PM
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