November 7, 2006
Slacker Guild Leader Sets Up Message Boards

Life has kept me too busy, indeed! But even a cheese bucket like myself can eventually get a clue. So for us to try to coordinate what we do when, we now have a message board. Please feel free to sign up and contribute.

Legendary Twelve Message Board

Vexx aka L12News

Posted by L12News at 03:44 PM | Comments (0)
February 12, 2006
The Return of the Legendary Twelve

As some of you may know, Stormhammer was shut down on January 31st after several glorious years and many wonderful adventures

As a result what was left of the guild were transfered to Luclin, and are there now with several friends and alumni. At present the guild leadership tag has been given to Vexx, and we are working to lay out how we are going to organize, and what our goals are going to be.

Most likely we will attempt to rebuild Legendary Twelve in the original spirit that Snaggle formed it. To create a small, elite group of friends that adventures for fun and enrichment. Focusing on quality over quantity, and maintaining a distinct different from guilds who "raid for a living"

In the mean time, please enjoy some of our classic adventures documented below, or take a look at the Legends tribute video that can be found on this site.

Legends Tribute Video

Vexx aka L12News

As special thanks to Snaggle for helping me re-establish the guild on Luclin

Posted by L12News at 02:34 PM | Comments (0)
February 24, 2003
That Which Endures

Tough to know if anyone still visits this page, to see if anything is happening.


Oddly enough, something may be happening. There are still a few stalwart souls out there with the Legendary 12 tag in game. Personally, I will not remove it. I am still proud of who we were and are, and what we were able to accomplish. We truly paved the way for others that followed. We were Stormhammer's first, best outfitted "Organic" guild. We were the first to set up a news page and guild portal, we set the standard for organization, fairness in loot distribution and being “above board” in our dealings. True towards the end there were a lot of folks that seem to find faults with how the leadership did almost anything.

Still the thought of those tags tugs at my thoughts.... I saw Fazz on Sunday morning. He still proudly carries the banner. Rumor has it there are others of the core L12 team that have yet to surrender them.

Naturally my thoughts ponder what it would be like to form the Legendary 12 once more, re-born and re-forged closer to the ideals. Smaller, tighter and more focused on what we all enjoy in game.

I think I am going to contact Cinexa about getting the ez-board password and turning it back on. You can feel free to leave comments there, if anyone reads this!

Vexx aka L12News

Just to make life more fun, I am reposting some of our stories and adventures for your entertainment.

Posted by L12News at 02:34 PM | Comments (0)
Best Of - Dain Sacked By L12 Weapons Inspection Team


Word across Norrath was that Dain Frostreaver IV had been working on a secret weapons program, deep within the Icewell keep. The council of guilds on Stormhammer had passed a resolution, insisting he allow weapons inspectors to enter the keep, and look for traces of his research.

When he refused, they sent in Legendary 12. We stormed the keep, and ransacked it, taking with us the weapons, the livestock, and oh yes, the Dain's Head.

During the course of the battle, chief weapons inspector Evlowchim was beaten bloody by the Dain and his "Republican Guard", which only made us even more resolute to see him destroyed.

Congratulations to Donbe for picking up Frostreaver and to Tannixx for his prize souvenir, the Dain's rather stinky head.

Word to the next Dain, the correct answer is "Yes, by all means please come inspect my palace".

Rumor has it that Snaggle's new puppy managed to sneak in to the Dain's royal privy, eat some of the Dain's "reading" material, and leave one of his now famous calling cards. Good work Snaggle Puppy!

Posted by L12News at 02:33 PM | Comments (0)
Best Of - Legendary 12 Clears Kael

Reports of Vindicator's Head Being Used For Bowling Practice

While the Saturday crash played havoc with our adventures in Sleeper's Tomb, it did mean that many powerful and interesting creatures were running free, waiting to meet with a dreadful and unfortunate accident. We in Legendary 12 specialize in such accidents, and what better place to play than Kael?


First up, we had a line on King Tormax. Nobody likes a pushy king, and when Evlowchim went to pay his respects, the king had him put to the sword. While some may cheer such a move, the Legendary 12 was quick to repay this offense with a swift beheading. As the big golden goof toppled, we heard some shouts about the Temple of Rallos Zek being off limits to being defiled. Guild BattleKitty Frubblestump was keen to show that he was up to the task for defiling any temple. Who could resist?

Our old pal Vindicator was not much more than a morsel for our bloodthirsty crew. Thug took his head and used to for bowling practice, reducing the guards of the Kael arena to little more than armor clad pins for his amusement.

As our luck would have it, the Statue of Rallos Zek took exception to Frubblestump's repeated defiling, and demanded a fight to prove that he was really incredibly tough after all. It should come as no surprise that when the statue fell, it was a veritable festival of desecration.


Toying with the sacred temple of the god of war is no light matter, at least not for him. Displeased that his statue had been awoken and then used as a cat box, he roused the Idol to slay us and prove once and for all his might.

We had not yet faced the Idol in combat, and we were eager to try. While he was an interesting fight, he proved no match for us. We tore his limbs from his carcass and used them to drive spikes into the icy walls of the Kael arena.


Like some petulant parent, the Avatar of War himself had to come down and put a stop to this nonsense. We had faced him in the test, and we were keen to see if we could best him on his home ground.

The fight was a work of perfection, with tremendous teamwork from all, and several clean tank switches. In the end we ran out of mana for heals, and with just a third of his life remaining, we were defeated. Rumor has it that Frubblestump's body was later found in the Kael Sewers, final payback had been rendered.

Posted by L12News at 07:46 PM
Best Of - The Sands of Blood


The Challenge

Snaggle, noble leader of Legendary 12 was troubled. His band of adventurers had grown and prospered into an epic fighting force. The road had been rocky at times, but the path steadily upwards. He sat in counsel with his closest advisors, munching on a gnome-pop.

The challenge of their closest rivals of the Clan of Vexare was clear. Advance or lose face, with new guilds Science of War and Europa advancing to tier 5, it was time to move up once more. Vexare had faced the Champion of War many times in the arena before they succeeded. This was not going to be easy.

Arguments about the battle readiness of his forces raged back and forth; should we? could we? "Do you know how much damage that thing can do?" "It dropped us like a flaming sack of dog poo when we tried it after Tier 5 test".

Snaggle knew that it was his alone to decide, he pushed away his heavy chair and silenced the council.

"We will test" he said in his low rumbling voice. "Though it may take several times to defeat him, we will best the Champion of War in the arena". "The sands will run red with blood, but we will not stop until he has fallen to our might".

A hushed determination fell over the council, and they left to make ready for battle. The word was spread through the ranks, the bold move bolstered the will of Legendary 12, and all set about their tasks with vigor and purpose. They would face the Champion of War.

The Lair

The cold wind howled outside Kerafyrm's lair. The eternal snow of the Eastern Wastes was blowing fast beyond the entry portal. A human in shadowy armor and a knight sat on the cold floor exchanging worried looks. The knight had come to rescue the shadowy figure from the icy lair when his scouting mission and gone wrong. They sat and talked of the challenge ahead while they both regained strength.

The Lair

"Think we going to win?" Kalorad asked the shadow figure.

"It depends", Vexx said streching the sleeves of his armor over his arm, "let me say this, we CAN win, we have the ability to win". "People have to be focused, and believe we can", he finished.

Kalorad said "You have seen raids. sometimes people hardly focus heh"

"You know what the difference is?", Vexx asked. "Watch how people act when Snaggle is there. When he is not around much for a few weeks, morale goes in the crapper. When he can show up, we win".

With the wind blowing harder the two made their way out of the lair and back towards the Plane of Knowledge, there was still much to be done before the test. Both knew the next day would decide the fate of Legendary 12 for many cycles to come. Courage and determination were in ready supply, would it be enough to carry the day?

The Gathering

The weather was bright and clear in Antonica, the wind played over the sparkling surface of Lake Rathetear. The peaceful setting was shattered by the rumble of an army on the move. The members of Legendary 12 marched to the Arena, to the sands of blood, and the land shook with their passing.

We Prepare

Member of all form and level, from the might bulk of Thug's Ogre frame to the nimble spite of Velior. They filed into the arena, and stood before the great door, quietly waiting and joking among themselves. Nearly 100 strong they counted down their fate.

The fair and lovely Pugigi arrived to administer the test, and a great cheer of welcome rang through out the arena. Snaggle and the leadership began to prepare for battle. Groups were formed and powerful enhancing magics were cast by clerics, enchanters and mystical shamen. With each spell the power and focus of the army grew.

The First Attempt

The fight would take place out of the central area of the arena. With only round walls there was little advantage to the terrain. It was decided that one of the spires would serve as a place to try and wedge the Champion to allow better access by healers and rogues alike. With the forces in position Snaggle called the brave monks to pull the golden monstrosity to the waiting forces.


The clash of weapons upon his metal skin rang with terrible fury. Many died, but many more lived. Shamen and Enchanters stripped him of his vital energy. Frubblestump stepped up to face the attack, rippling waves of healing energy surrounded him, but the power of the Champion was too much, and he fell.

The bodies were stacked like lumber when Pugigi called off the first attempt. We had only taken half his life with the best we could do. We resurrected our dead and re-focused our efforts with grim determination. Our confidence was shaken, but we were determined to try again.

The Rematch

Discussion flew back and forth between the leaders and advisors. We had failed to control our target and he had roamed free slaughtering the healers and support casters. If we were to succeed this had to change. Quickly tactics were declared, and we made ready for the second attempt. Careful study had shown a small crease in the wall of the arena that might allow us to "park" the Champion of War similar to our fights with the Vindicator. We positioned our forces and waited with hushed silence.

Pugigi once again spawned our golden tormentor. With a final moment of preparation, Snaggle called for the pull, and Felong the fearless went to bring the Champion to the waiting army.

First Try

With a look of determination, Thug stood toe to toe with the Champion of War, who tore into him with relish. By the power and coordination of our skilled clerics and our enchanters the punishing blows of the Champion could not defeat him. With skill he turned his back to the wall until the Champion was perfectly placed, he called in the attack. The hum of bowstrings filled the air and the sky split with magical force as we threw everything we had at this abomination. The fight raged for many minutes, we were hurting the Champion slowly but surely, could we last?

Laughing with delight the Champion of War crushed Thug the mighty to the sand, and turned his anger on the healers.

As we passed the half way mark the battle seemed all but lost. Our warriors had been dispatched and the Champion was roaming the battle area killing at will. Brave Torain of the elves stood forward and drew the ire of the monster. Surrounded in a tidal wave of healing energy and protective runes, the fight once more was under control. The order to re-engage was given and the battle resumed.

Torain Steps In

With Torain in place as the focus of the Champion's anger, Vexx called to his rogues "Engage and attack Champion of War - Max melee range" and a torrent of flashing blades descended upon him. Again the cleric's skill was unmatched as they allowed Torain to withstand the punishment of the god given form.

Then with a thunderous blow Torain fell dead to the sand. Brave warriors stepped up to face the Champion, but all fell before the healing power could protect them. Brave Naydu expended her skill to deflect blow after blow as the Champion frenzied to destroy her. She fell in a final act of defiance.

Clerics worked quickly to bring the fallen back to life, many grabbing only their weapons to spring into battle naked, and being swept away by the Golden nightmare's thunderous blows. All seemed lost, our warriors dead, our goal within reach, but slipping from our grasp.

From the back of the battle bounded a mountain of Ogre flesh, Thug returned to life stepped into the breach. The Champion of War roared in anger that his hated foe had returned. With the skill of a dancer, he turned the Champion's to face the wall, and the attack continued. Mighty bolts of magic crackled through the air, and squadrons or arrows flew to their mark.

The Champion of War shrugged off the blows with no regard for the slow but steady damage they were doing.

So angered by Thug was this abomination that he was nearly dead before he realized the battle was lost. In a final act of cowardice, he tried to flee from us. With a final blow from Indygo, he fell to the sand. A hush fell over the arena, as the surviving members starred in disbelief. The foe was dead. We had won.

Champion Dead

The Day of Legends

Cheers and good wishes poured in from all corners of Norrath. Guilds both above and below us on the tier ladder passed along their congratulations. For the members of Legendary 12, the remainder of the day was spent adventuring in small groups, triumphant in thier accomplishment.


Posted by L12News at 02:32 PM | Comments (0)
Best Of - Legendary 12 Shows Klandicar No Mercy


Word had traveled to Legendary 12 that Klandicar had woken from his slumber and was out sunning himself on his favorite rock in Western Wastes.

While the sight of a majestic beast in his domain is breathtaking, it did not distract us from the task at hand. We sounded the rally cry, and the new, larger Legendary 12 fighting force moved to the entrance to Dragon Necropolis to prepare.

Things went smoothly, and we zoned out to face the beast. Sadly some feral feline instinct overtook dear Frubblestump, who was mesmerized by Klandicar's long swaying tail. He threw common sense to the winds and pounced at it, disrupting our battle plans (we can forgive him, it is a cat!)

We resurrected our dead and re-buffed. This time we were ready, and with Frubblestump blindfolded Saladen called the charge. He died a quick and merciful death, and we gladly divided up his treasure.

Well Done All!

Posted by L12News at 02:31 PM | Comments (0)
December 29, 2002
Farewell, Legendary 12

Dear friends and associates

Today I accessed the main page of the website. I see with great sadness that Legendary 12 is no more. All good things must have their time in this world, and with the joy of creation must come the sadness of destruction and decay. And it would seem sadly that for our guild this time has come.

My thanks to all of you for the times we have had together. We have had some truly fun and unique times. I am not sure how long the web site at will stay up. If you ever want to take a look back at our impressive history and accomplishments, and maybe remember what all of the noise was about, please visit the "staging area" where we built the news site every day or so back when I was flogging it.

just visit

Again to each of you who I have traveled with, I thank you. It has been a wonderful and unique experience.

Many happy adventures to all of you. May you all find happiness.

Legendary 12
[aka L12News]

Posted by L12News at 05:12 PM | Comments (0)